Laughing All The Way, P.O. Box 700008, Wabasso, FL  32970 * 772-559-5538 *

Remember when you cheered if your parents announced that they were serving ice cream for dessert?  Or think about an infant who you cooed to and you were reciprocated with a smile or giggle.  Those who enjoy small, even commonplace events, will most likely find life far more pleasant than those who wait for big, significant events to fill them with delight.

I remembered to I wash my cup before retiring last night,
And this morning finding it clean filled me with delight.
I enjoy the minutest happening that passes my way,
Which means I am happy many times in a day.

Enjoyment Test Score:

FREE Test Results:

Submit this form and you will be given the overall category you are in and what it means in terms of your ability to be happy.  Many have told us that they feel this is sufficient to begin advancing their score.


(Enjoys Small Things)

#4 Ingredient for Happiness

Take the assessment test below to ascertain your ability to enjoy life’s small moments and events. 

Assessment Test

Select a number to score each statement below:
5-all the time
4-most of the time
3-about half the time
2-very few times

_____ 1.  Waking up to nice weather makes you smile.  
_____ 2.  You enjoy making your morning drink or breakfast.
_____ 3.  You smile when you greet a partner or pet?.
_____ 4.  You appreciate hearing or reading a positive story on the TV, or Internet.
_____ 5.  You enjoy greeting people you know on the street or in a store. 
_____ 6.  You are tickled pink when you find out that you have an extra of something you thought you were running out of.
_____ 7.  You feel delighted when one of your suggestions to friends is tried and works.
_____ 8.  You are pleased no end when a stain on your clothes comes out.
_____ 9.  You are happy to get a party invitation. 
_____ 10. You look forward to telephoning a friend or family member.

_____ TOTAL  (add up all answers for one total number)

OR for only $9.99 get an ​In-Depth Analysis on your

"Enjoyment" Test Result:

It includes the above, but also specific ways to increase your enjoys small things quotient.

You will be given specific suggestions that augment your enjoyment of small things,

and it is remarkable how this will increase the likelihood of being happy.


​   Includes:

   1. Full Score Meaning

   2. Detailed Analysis

   3. Ways to Improve Your Score

The In-Depth Analysis will be emailed to you along with the opportunity to email us back

one time with any questions you have about your analysis.