Laughing All The Way, P.O. Box 700008, Wabasso, FL  32970 * 772-559-5538 *

The Rhyme

Scientists don’t know why,
Only humans beings can cry.
Maybe animal’s eyes are too small,
For them to be able to bawl at all.

Crying, many would likely say
Is how sad can go away.
Weeping shows others how you feel,
So they can jump in and help you heal.

When a tear runs down your cheek,
You’re communicating minus speech.
Tears help remove sad things inside.
You’ll feel better after you cry.

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The Benefits of Crying

Crying Facts

Not all tears were created equal.  Happy tears look different than unhappy tears—and both are different from the ones you get if you chop an onion up. While the specific science is not important, why we produce tears is.

These are the types of tears:

The first is the liquid produced with every blink of the eye, called basal tears, that keeps the eye protected and lubricated and are produced under the eyelid.

The second is produced in the lacrimal gland for two reasons. One is when an irritant, like an onion causes them to produce tears or when emotions do.

The Conversation

Humans possess the most nuanced and varied set of emotions.  Crying is an outlet to express powerful emotions. The amount of crying varies between men and women with women crying approx. 50 times per year and men only 10 times per year on average. 

In addition to crying being an outlet, it is a social signal to others of mainly distress or whe experiencing intense emotions.  Remember one can cry because of great delight too.  Since humans have an extended period of dependency, crying expresses needs that require attention by care takers.  This communication increases the bonds established between not only infants and their caretakers, but also as adults those who respond to one’s suffering.  Humans are dependent on teamwork to survive and thus the more ways to communicate the more likely it is that needs are met.

 Thus crying is an essential ingredient for survival.