Laughing All The Way, P.O. Box 700008, Wabasso, FL  32970 * 772-559-5538 *

Let's here from someone who has what most would think of as not a good signal, like a messy desk but is actual supportive.  Go to the bottom of the page and tell us.  We'll put it on the site.

The Facts

Human brains are the most highly developed in the animal kingdom. We have three distinct areas or levels.  What they are and how they interact will give you the insight to know that we are in part what we see.

Level 1- the ancient brain. This part adjusts metabolic functions like blood pressure, and blood sugar.   If your blood sugar drops, this is the part of the brain that tells you to eat something.

Level 2- our emotional brain or Limbic system.  Our emotional brain motivates reactions to people and situations.  This level influences reactions that motivate activities.  Feeling frightened may cause trembling.  Feeling elated may induce euphoria. 

Level 3 - our neocortex. Memory, storing and processing information, being able to abstract ideas, make philosophical judgments all are controlled here.

Here’s the interesting thing  these layer communicate. For example, if you are holding a cool drink and meeting a new person, you are more likely to experience that person as cold.*  In this case, Level 1 or the physical reality of cold is communicating with Level 2 which emotionally translates cold as unfriendly or unemotional which then telegraphs the message to Level 3 which meets a new person and that physical and emotional experience translates into thinking that this person is unemotional/cold/distant. 

What you surround yourself with is in part how you will feel  about yourself and how you will react to people in that space.  

Your home, sends signals that support openness, comfort, alienation, love, etc.  Now read the rhyme.

material from the marvelous book:
    “Behave, The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst” by Robert Sapolsky

You Become What You See

Then when you open your front door does the first sight.
Make you smile, feel encumbered or want to take flight?

If an item is a reminder of any pain,
Know that it can continuously drain,
The feel-good part of your active brain.

Even when a movie character is punched,
Your shoulders will lift in a sympathetic hunch.
Reflect upon the signals being sent to your head,
Know that their messages become a thread,
That links you to what they postulate,
And contributes to what turns into your fate.

Toss out reminders that evoke feeling down,
They’ll be co-opted as an internalized frown.
Dismiss objects that suggest anything bad
They’ll drain away the feelings of glad

Position objects that make you smile or roar with delight,
You absorb what you see faster than the speed of light.
Signals sent to your brain every day,
Contribute to contentment or whittle it away.

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The Conversation

If, my desk is always messy and the rest of my house is as neat as a pin, what does that mean?  (Although I don’t why pins have that reputation.)

”We are what we eat” is a familiar phrase, now get used to “We are what see.”  We will be quiet in a library but laugh out loud in a theater. All spaces telegraph messages.  What you see will encourage you to act and react.  Oh that’s why I hold my nose walking into a barn even though there are no animals in sight.

Here’s a test to take.  Read the list below then picture the room in your house that corresponds to it.  

What room evokes most of these words?  Yup, a bedroom, the private area in a home for relaxation, rejuvenation, privacy, and a space for intimacy.  Now think about objects you’ve placed in that room and see if they evoke the above list.  Which would promote these words, a painting of a field of flowers or a painting of a foxhunt? The former would encourage you to breathe deeply and the later would support thoughts to race through your head.

Just like a traffic light, how you arrange your furniture, and what objects are placed in a room will signal how to act. 

Signals From Our Brain

Why You Should Care About What You See